Cuddly Cubs (younger infants)

Class Color: Green

Staff:  Angelee and Kendra

Daily Schedule

7:00 - 8:30       Greet friends/family - breakfast

8:30 - 9:30       AM snack & routine care: bottles, diapers

9:30 - 11:00      Developmental activities and experiences:

                        Shapes, colors, floor time, books.

                        Diaper changes, naps, prep lunch. 

11:00 - 1200     Older infants will begin to start a lunch time 

                       and nap time routine. Clean up lunch, diapers,

                       feedings, free play and resting.

12:00 - 2:00     Naps as needed, quiet time/lights off (in dim lighting)

2:00 - 3:00      Allow babies to wake up, feedings, diapers,

                      PM snack for older infants.

3:00 - 5:30      Developmental activities, feedings, diapers,

                      free play, departure

Cuddly Cubs Calendar of Events

Blue - School-wide events 

Click on the event for more information

Routines are subject to change due to the child's individual needs